Wednesday 9 July 2014

Basic swimming tips for the beginners

Do you want to overcome your fear of swimming? Would you like to swim with a calm mind? 
So if you want to be mentally tougher and stronger than you must read and practice these exercises in the pool. 
Tip 1:  Don’t panic
First of all, you have to understand that the human body acts the same in shallow water as it does in deep water. What I’m trying to say is that your body will float the same in deep water as it does in low water.  Deep water makes no difference.  However, fear can make a huge difference and makes it difficult for people to swim in deep water. The tip is to overcome this fear is to relax, just relax your mind. Sometimes when your swimming costumes don’t fit, you feel irritation and satisfaction. So buy swimming costumes according to your size, weight, body shape etc. There are different styles of swimming costumes available in shops so don’t be stressed and just pick the right size.
You must be thinking now, How to relax your mind in the water? Step number one is to maintain your breathing pattern and become comfortable with it. Start with small dips in water. And when you feel comfortable with that, go underwater. 
Tip 2: Plan a policy or strategy:
All the swimmers have their strategies, for example, anxious swimmers try to start in the back of the pack and some swim wide. So you should have your strategy too, just know the pros and cons of the strategy you plan. 
One of the most important things in swimming is to control and maintain your breathing. We have some tips for the beginners:
Tip 3: Practice your breathing pattern:

Wear your swimming goggles first. Without them you won’t be able to swim properly if you’re a beginner.  Secondly, try to inhale quickly above the water, and the exhale should be continuous and without breaks. Don’t try to hold the breath under water.  In order to learn swimming properly, you must practice your breathing pattern. Here are basic breathing drills:
Drill: 1
In less or low water, hold your breath, and then bend down to get your head under the water. Hold for some time, and then Luxe Funky Trunks voor alle zwemmers come back on the surface of water. 
 Drill 2:
Drill two is same as drill 1 but with one difference exhale under water through your nose this time, to blow bubbles. 
 Drill 3:
Drill 3 is same as drill 2, but this time blow bubbles from your nose and mouth, both.
 Drill 4:
In low water, bend or crouch this way that the water surface should be between your mouth and nose.  Now try to inhale through your nose above water and exhale under water through your mouth. 
Breathing Drill 5:
 Submerge your face in shallow water and blow bubbles out of your mouth and nose. After that, grasp the border of the pool and get into horizontal position while still blowing bubbles.
Breathing Drill 6: 
Bend or bow in shallow water in the way that head steadily goes in and out of the water. Exhale when your head is submerged and inhale when it is emerged on the surface of water. 

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